
Thursday 7 June 2018

Pink fairy Armadillo

Pink fairy Armadillo  Chlamyphorus truncates

I have recently been reading about some of the worlds rarer and lesser known animals.
My favourite so far has got to be the pink fairy armadillo. It reminds me a bit of a clanger.
They really are pink and partly fury so whats not to love?
Pink fairy armadillos only grow to just under 5" in length and live in the dessert areas of Argentina, being nocturnal they are rarely seen by people.  They do not do well in captivity so are not seen in zoos and cannot be kept as pets.
There are a few stuffed exhibits in museums.
I have sculpted a very tiny one and it is now up for sale in my Etsy shop.
if he has sold and you would like to buy one just message me an I will make another.

I plan to make more of these lesser know animals in the future so watch this space for more unusual and unique miniature animals.

Thursday 20 April 2017

NEW Boxed witches spell kits

A new addition to my Ebay and Etsy shops

Spell kits in beautiful boxes and chests.

I have teamed up my very popular herb sets with a load of other items and put it all into boxes and chests. Some are manufacturers boxes and some are wooden ones that I have either painted or pyrographed myself.
The sets come in several sizes from very large with over a hundred herbs and lots of other things in a large chest down to the smallest ones with a dozen or so herbs and some candles., and lots of inbetween sized kits.
Going into the shop over the next week.
All are customizable so if you are interested let me know.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Shell magic and magical properties of shells

I have never been a person to go on a beach and do an impersonation of a beached wale (I believe it is called sunbathing) Its just not for me. I set foot on a beach and immediately see a hole host of collectables, sea glass, beautiful shells, pebbles, drift wood and the general   flotsam and jetsam that washes up on a beach. I have to start collecting, its not optional, the items just beckon to be picked up.
What to do with this vast array of treasure is another matter. 

The sea glass, those fantastic sea smoothed bits of broken bottles, are going to be painted  to become pendants, earrings, tree decorations and runes.

Vincent the reading gnome

Driftwood will become wands, jewellery or seating for my larger fae folk such as Vincent the reading gnome.

Shells are by far my favourite thing to collect. They lie there hidden in the sand overlooked and trodden on by most, but to me they are

as beautiful and precious as any diamond or ruby. I have made shells into jewellery and put shell fae and sea creatures into and on them but am now looking into their magical spell uses, something I have only recently discovered.

Because shells are washed up and down by the tide, which is controlled by the moon, they hold the magic of the moon Goddess. Spiral shells hold within them the very symbol of the Goddess.

Shells have long been used by witches living by the sea, Janarric witches on the coast of Italy wrote symbols on shells to cast spells. They then placed the shell on the beach so that  as the tide approached the sea would receive the spells and grant them. Specific requests were written on certain types of shells. 

The most well known shell for magickal purposes is the Abalone, which is used a lot in smudging rituals and as a protective talisman. But there are many more shells that have magical properties.

ABALONE: General use. Use to contain empowered herbs, stones, and other magical items, good for spells that seek something hidden. They offer protection from negative energy. Used as incense and smudge stick holders. Good for meditation and chakra balancing.
AUGER: Due to its obviously phallic shape this shell can be used to represent the God on an altar or in a spell and is used for spells to do with the male.
CERITH SHELLS [CERITHIIDAE]: Most species of this major family are small, long and thin. Due to it's phallic shape it may be used for any male oriented magic, e.g. fertility, courage, power and in the aid to healing male ailments.
CLAM SHELLS: Used for purification and love. A small clam shell may be etched with a rune and made into a potent talisman. A symbol of the Goddess so very good for Goddess related spells.
Cockle shells
COCKLE:  This shell is suitable for spells of love, friendship, family and emotions and we are reminded of it with the saying "to warm the cockles of my heart".
CONE SHELLS: Used in protective spell crafts.
COWRIES: Cowries are great for money spells as many cultures once used them as money. Viewed from one side it is shiny & avocado shaped, greatly resembling the human uterus. Viewed from the other side it resembles the female genitalia. This shell can be used for female magic, fertility, pregnancy, birth, menstrual problems, difficult menopause and female sexuality
KEYHOLE LIMPETS (Fissurelloidea) Use this shell when you need to find a way in or out of a situation. This shell is ideal to meditate upon to unlock psychic & divination abilities.
LEFT HANDED WHELKS: Use for making dramatic, positive changes in your life.
LIMPETS: Courage, confidence, physical strength.
MOON SHELLS: Psychic awareness, purifcation, and peace.
OYSTERS: Good fortune, for any form of lunar magic, and for spells relating to passion, virility and sexual love.
SCALLOPS: Useful for spells involving travel and movement, can be used as a substitute for any other shell in a spell.
SCREW SHELLS: For any male oriented magic, e.g. fertility, courage, power and in the aid to healing male ailments

SPINDLE OR TULIP SHELL(Fasciolariidae): This is a good shell for magic pertaining to fate, destiny, change, karma and meditation.
SUNDIAL SHELLS (Architectonicidae): Use this shell for solar magic, warmth and light.
TUSK SHELLS (Dentaliidae):Use this shell for when you need to do battle. It resembles strength & attack.
WENTLERTRAPS (Epitoniidae):  Use this shell in magic related to any form of creativity, building, art, sculpture and inspiration.
WHELK (Buccinidae): Use this shell when you need to take control, when you need to get a grip on yourself or a situation. It is also a good shell to use when you wish to retain the status quo, or when you are needing stability in your life.

Friday 3 June 2016

Fairy magic

The fairies must have sprinkled me with their magic dust as I seem to have gone fairy mad this week.
I have made loads of fairy door pendants, in lots of colours and a variety of styles. They all come on a long cord that can be tied to the required length and each has its own tiny key hanging from the cord, very magical. All available in my Etsy shop.
Purple door

Green door

Thursday 3 March 2016

Kyphi /Kapet incense

Kyphi or Kapet is an ancient Egyptian incense made with a variety of resins, herbs, wine, honey and fruit. It was burned in the temples and homes for rituals, healing and to usher in the night. The earliest recipe dates back to Circa 1500 BC but there have been many other recipes found over the centuries. Some of the ingredients listed are not used today as we do not know what they were.
I have researched into the recipes and come up with as authentic a recipe as I can. The incense takes several weeks to prepare and then several more weeks to dry. Once dried it is burnt on charcoal disks and produces a beautiful full-bodied, rich, multi-layered bouquet with a warm, relaxing, sweet, spicy and sensual aroma to cleanse and perfume the air. Excellent for use in a ritual or as an offering to a deity.
For my Kyphi I have hand ground all the herbs and resins in a pestle and mortar and have used home made wine.
Today was the last day of preparing the Kyphi and I spent the afternoon rolling it into pellets and moulding small bricks. They now need to dry for a few weeks and will then be listed in my Etsy shop.

Monday 23 February 2015

List and do challenge

My first week of this challenge has not been a great success, I had forgotten that this was the week I was staying with my mum whilst my sister goes on holiday. I took a limited range of things to make and materials but I have still managed to complete several of the miniature animal in a bottle pendants.
Arctic fox
Baby penguin
View through the top of curled up hedgehog
Polar bear

My list for the next week is:

Finish the wand
Make 3 Goddess gem stone pendants
5 miniature animals in a bottle pendant
Get my new saw set up and cut the sticks to make Ogham staves